28. Seaweed: Deep Medicine for Earth, Ocean, & Humans - Angela Willard

The potent healing offered by seaweeds and mushrooms, the power of names, and the unique intelligence that lies beneath the surface of things...

In the Intro:

  • My recent mothering dilemma & resolution

  • Food to switch the body into a state of constant healing

  • Resources for further seaweed exploration


In the Interview:

  • Conscious conception, evolving as a family, & choosing a new experience

  • Naming children is giving them the strongest mantra they'll have throughout their lifetime

  • Letting the land you find yourself on guide you to your medicine

  • Seaweeds are regenerative cleansers for the ocean & earth- addressing the question of radioactivity and the safety of consuming seaweed

  • How to sustainably harvest seaweed

  • Breaking down the medicinal content of red, green, and brown seaweeds: which are immunomodulating, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, cancer fighting; helpful for digestion, thyroid issues, autoimmune diseases, liver issues, detoxification etc.

  • Nutrients in seaweed: amino acids, iron, iodine, minerals & more- how they work in the body and things to consider

  • The amazing regenerative, bioremedial, ecosystem healing properties of seaweed 

  • The Constellations approach as a divination practice

  • Connecting to the maternal grandmother that Angela never knew

  • The vital intelligence of sub-level (underground/under water) life forms

  • Food is medicine: hot tips for incorporating seaweeds and mushrooms into your daily life

  • The deep soul work that motherhood requires, and the challenges and gratifications that family life present



Angela & Yarrow Willard's website Harmonic Arts

My website MythicMedicine.love

Medicine Stories Patreon (podcast bonuses)

The Medicine Stories Facebook group

Take my fun Which Healing Herb is Your Spirit Medicine? quiz

Mythic Medicine on Instagram

Music by Mariee Sioux (from her beautiful song Wild Eyes)

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29. Otherworld Openings: When the Ancestors Call


27. Anti-Racist Genealogical Research (for Everyone) - Darla Antoine