60. The Boundaries of the Unthinkable are Wavering - Charles Eisenstein

The old stories that have guided our recent ancestors are falling apart, and we live in a time of great upheaval and division as we grope for a new guiding mythology. Yet enfolded into this chaos are the seeds of deep and revolutionary change. Charles Eisenstein has a knack for expressing the thoughts and feelings that many of us born to these times have had but never articulated, and a brilliant capacity for elucidating a way forward.


  • Following your curiosity & finding lifelong teachers


  • None of us fit in to the boxes our culture makes for us, and the story we’ve been handed down is no longer resonant

  • Transitioning between paradigms, as the boundaries of the unthinkable begin to waver

  • The initiation into love that is the environmental crisis

  • A radical reframing of the climate debate (I so needed to hear this)

  • Appreciating the complex physiology of the organs and tissues of the living earth, and realizing that we cannot reduce that complexity to the one metric of carbon emissions and offsets- “We can cut carbon emissions to zero, and the planet will still die of organ failure if we continue to degrade its organs”

  • What we lose when we look at herbs, ecosystems, and anything/everything through a reductionist lense

  • Bringing nuance and empathy back into our highly polarized culture, where folks are both sides (of any issue) are impervious to ever being wrong

  • Holding our enemies in reverence (just channel Mr. Rogers)

  • The legacy trauma of living in this culture, and how to minimize its impact on future generations

  • What the germ theory of disease gets wrong, and why our inner ecosystems often play a larger role in our illness than the outer pathogens that get all the blame

  • A new perspective on autoimmunity, self, and the story of separation

  • Shifting the war paradigm by which we often approach health

  • Sacred economics: living in The Gift paradigm within our capitalist culture, and why Charles’ online courses are donation based

  • The individual as a holographic map of the universe unfolding

  • When you hold a question long enough, it will always bear a result


  • Human hubris and the unforeseen consequences of thinking we can outsmart the vital life force (nature/evolution)

  • How challenges to the immune system both initiate children into their next level of unfolding and prevent later chronic disease

  • The polarization in the vaccine conversation, cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias, and exploring what it would take for me to change my mind on the issue

  • A short exploration of and some resources for learning more about the harmful consequences of praise, rewards, and punishments when raising kids


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61. Revillaging: Maternal, Cultural, and Planetary Wellness are One - Rachelle Garcia Seliga


59. Herbal Rituals, Rhythms, & Remembrance - Judith Berger