57. Own Your Self: Radical Healing, Rooted Health - Dr. Kelly Brogan

57. Own Your Self: Radical Healing, Rooted Health - Dr. Kelly Brogan
Amber Magnolia Hill

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" -J. Krishnamurti

"Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left." -Aldous Huxley

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -Arthur Schopenhauer


  • Remembering that radical literally means “back to the root"- what we consider today to be radical health care is actually just our ancestral human biological inheritance


  • How Dr. Brogan’s own diagnosis, and sitting with the cognitive dissonance that came with it, turned what she had been taught about health and healing on its head

  • Searching for the science that we aren’t given

  • It’s not so much information wars as competing paradigms that are causing the divisions in modern medicine

  • Embracing complexity and critical thinking

  • Psychiatric pharmaceuticals are the most habit-forming substances on the planet (Dr. Brogan hasn’t written a prescription since 2010)

  • Walking away from labels and tapering off psych meds

  • How a diagnosis can act as a hex, or as an opening into a more authentic connection to self

  • The dehumanizing that has to happen when medicine is practiced at scale

  • Suffering ends where meaning begins

  • How the Evolutionary Mismatch between our ancestral human bodies and our modern lives underlies so many physical and mental disorders

  • We have tremendous capacity to change our gene expression

  • Precision and bioindividual (the future of!) medicine v vaccine mandates (everyone gets the same 72 highly complex and inherently risky injections, no matter their individual health profiles)

  • How two of Dr. Brogan’s patients having 2nd trimester stillbirths after receiving the flu shot sent her down the path of 10,000 hours of vaccine research

  • The germ warfare paradigm is the ultimate expression of a control, fear-based paradigm of medicine

  • Creating the conditions that allow people to heal themselves

  • Kelly’s personal experience transforming motherline pain and trauma, and raising her daughters to report only to themselves


  • The conversation they are trying to silence is the very conversation we need to be having; the information they are trying to censor is the exact information you need to know

  • The cultural cognitive dissonance wherein we live in a society that censors the hashtag #vaccineinjury while simultaneously paying out $4,182,078,646 through the government run national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (as of August 2019, link below)

  • Google and social media search censorship

  • Some great accounts, websites, and one podcast for real vaccine information

  • How censorship and vaccine mandates will backfire on the Pharmaceutical industry



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58. Poisonous Plant Spirit Medicine - Kathryn Solie


56. Real Talk on Marriage, Plants, Kids, Business - My Husband, Owen Lindsay