21. The Medicine We Carry - Lola Venado

In the Intro:

  • I share an ancestral story

  • How I define spirituality

  • The food your bones are made from

  • Herbal body oils & elderberry elixir

In the Interview:

  • Being the the daughter of a secret witch + becoming a botanical bruja years after the mother passed and the chance to learn from her was gone

  • Racism, secrecy, lineage, and cultural evolution

  • Following the breadcrumbs to get a bigger picture of who your people were (there are more holes than solid information in all of our lineages)

  • Letting your silvers shine

  • Locating yourself within the myths of your ancestors

  • Being empowered to heal yourself

  • Listening to the understory- amplifying the voices of people of color within the worlds of herbalism, spirituality, and the creative arts

  • Comida es Medicina

  • Most magic is mundane

  • When women's knowing and/or calling out injustice are labeled "irrational"

  • What white folks are learning/dismantling right now


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22. You Are Magic & Fear is Never the Truth - Yaya Erin Rivera Merriman


20. Herbalism, Menstruation, & Innate Knowing - Kami McBride