25. Self Attunement & the New Myths We're Making - Maia Toll

Herbalism is vast, the second song of a plant, a powerful stone medicine story, and more...

Maia Toll spent a life-changing year apprenticed to a traditional medicine woman in Ireland. She mentors spiritual wellness seekers, practitioners, and teachers through her online program, The Medicine Keepers Collective, and is the founder and owner of Herbiary, a natural products store with locations in Asheville, North Carolina, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Maia has taught botanical medicine at West Chester University and at the Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research in the Peruvian jungle. She lectures at hospitals, universities, and herbal conferences and runs her own Deep Magic Retreat in the North Carolina mountains during the witchy twilight of autumn. She blogs to an international following at maiatoll.com and lives in Asheville, North Carolina.   

In the Intro:

  • Coming into relationship with nature

  • Become a kitchen witch

  • Herbalism is vast

In the Interview:

  • The layers within

  • A fantastical Herbal 

  • Opening to the second song of a plant 

  • How a health problem, an unraveling life, and a dream message set Maia on the plant path 

  • Apprenticing to a medicine woman in Ireland 

  • When having a diagnosis isn’t helpful

  • Deep self attunement for stopping illness before it becomes too big

  • A major weakness herbalists face when we’re ill 

  • The Healing Relationship

  • Stone medicine & a story of healing with morganite 

  •  How we create the sacred 

  • A meaningful swan sighting, union & transformation, and the myth of Caer

  • We talk about how neither of us wanted to get married and now we’re both wives, and also the stories of our wedding rings


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26. Ancestral Reverence as Devotion to the Earth - Daniel Foor


24. Plant Spirits & Deep Remembering that Speaks to the Bones - Fay Johnstone